April 3 - April 10: Hold Me Steady by XTY
Congratulations to XTY on the release of her new song, Hold Me Steady, and its selection as the Song of the Week for the Unsigned BC Music Society. XTY immediately draws you in with urgent delicate melodies, shouting out her Vancouver location in the first minute of the song. The chorus is first sung in a near falsetto whisper and it does a great job of hooking the listener, while the energy manages to constantly build without peaking. The addition of a male voice to make it a duet in the second half of the track adds an interesting dimension to the song, as XTY manages to build off of his presence with energy that is often reserved for live performances. Hold Me Steady is the song of the week, and it is undoubtedly the best songwriting work that XTY has published in her time working with Unsigned BC.