Furniture Party
What is a Furniture Party? Honestly, nobody knows. But we do know this much:
Furniture Party is a band.
A pop-punk band from Victoria, BC, to be more specific.
Furniture Party blends pop-punk riffs and breakdowns with juicy alternative-pop hooks to keep everyone moshing and dancing in equal measure.
Furniture Party is a band that returns library books on time.
Furniture Party features the soft yet menacing vocals of Reghan Geddes, the steady and bluesy licks of Matthew Groeneveld, the face-melting guitar solos & ear-destroying screams of Jordan Oliver, the groovy and walking bass lines of Ben Boyd, and the simple yet effective drumming of Brett Rose.
Furniture Party, while mainly sticking to the Vancouver Island music scene, is now seeking to break out into new markets and regions, and welcomes all inquiries from venues & bands across BC.
Furniture Party is a band that always tips their server.